Here is a list of frequently asked questions, along with some answers. If this list of questions doesn't answer your question, please do send us some feedback!
Q: There were entries in my guestbook that are now gone. Where are they?
A: There is a nightly routine built into the system that will archive any entries older than 120 days and put them into an
ARCHIVE table. This routine is only run on FREE guestbooks. The entries have not been deleted and are still available for you
to view in the Guestbook Console.
If you later wish to upgrade your guestbook to a PAID guestbook, simply use the support form to email us after you have
upgraded your guestbook, and we will move all the archived entries back into the public guestbook.
Q: I cannot remember my Guestbook CONSOLE Login. How can I retrieve my password?
A: We have a Password Recovery feature on the site where you can enter your LOGIN ID or your GUESTBOOK ID
and have your password emailed to the address you provided us when you signed up your guestbook.
If your email address has changed since you signed up, then you will need to contact us (and you MUST provide
some proof that you are the legitimate owner of the account).
Q: What is my GUESTBOOK ID?
A: Your GUESTBOOK ID is a NUMBER that is displayed at the end of your guestbook URL. For instance, if
is the URL to your guestbook, then 1234567 would be your GUESTBOOK ID.
Q: How many guestbooks may I have?
A: You may sign up as many guestbooks as you like. Bear in mind you will need to have a separate signup/login for each one.